A free public service for your group
Dr. Brown, a past-president of the Rock Hill Toastmasters Club, welcomes speaking invitations and will accept invitations to speak before groups in the area without charge.
Dr. Brown is an experienced educator as well as a practicing chiropractor. He speaks before groups nationally and internationally and is available to speak to your club or organization on a variety of subjects including leadership, education, health and philosophy.
In the following YouTube link you can hear a sampling as Myron provides an evaluation for a fellow member of the Rock Hill Toastmasters Club. The individual receiving the evaluation had just finished doing a presentation and the evaluation is done to point out strengths and weaknesses of that individual's speech to help him improve his leadership and communication skills. To hear this actual club meeting evaluation click here: Brown provides evaluation
Hear Dr. Brown in a short radio interview on WRHI
Click on the photo to hear the interview
(From right to left) Freddi Hammer and Chuck Boozer of WRHI, Matt Kinsey and Myron Brown
Below is a list of recently presented topics. Please E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 803-366-8100 for other topics or to request a special presentation for your group.
Health and Safety in the Work Place:
Prevention of injuries, improving productivity; and reducing lost work time. This informative presentation is good for both employees and managers. It includes the importance of spinal health and its implications for reducing the likelihood of injuries. Also contains a glimpse at the chiropractic approach to healthy living. Presented to the City of Rock Hill employees as well as other groups.
Effective Communications:
An interactive presentation designed to help participants become better communicators by learning essential listening skills.
Igniting Change
A motivational presentation that focuses on and encourages changed thinking and the renewal of mind, body and spirit.
Celebrating Diversity
Everyone’s included…young & old; homeless & affluent; immigrant & native; white, black, and other skin shades…diversity goes well beyond race and gender. By becoming “color blind” to people’s race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age or social status we begin to see the rich tapestry of values that every person brings to the world.
What leaders do; defining success; the elements of change; implementing change; vision, mission and planning.
Stepping Out of the Health Care Crisis:
Amongst today's greatest economic challenges is the threat posed by the "Health Care Crisis in America" and some of the things that we can do about it.
A look at the nature of reality, philosophic thinking and practical ways to use philosophy. This presentation also explores philosophy in the health care environment.
A look at the process of communicating; includes a discussion of truth and reality.
Health Care in Crisis:
It's not an insurance problem. Discussion includes sustainability of our health care system.
Healthful Living:
Presents the way people think about health and explores some practical things everyday people can do about their health. Examines the reasons that people see chiropractors and bring in their whole family for care.
Chiropractic, who needs it?
When should a person seek chiropractic care? This and other questions are explored in an interesting and unusual way.
Specific presentations include accreditation; international professional development; and the politics of chiropractic education.
Specific chiropractic subjects:
Particularly designed for professional audiences, Dr. Brown presents a wide range of topics from professional evolution to the profession's history, practice, science, education and principles. These topics have been presented to audiences nationally and internationally and can be tailored to the needs of colleges and state or national chiropractic audiences.