WRHI Radio interview this morning

This morning I had the pleasure of visiting with Freddi Hammer and Chuck Boozer on the Palmetto Mornings Show along with special guest, Matt Kinsey, a member of the Board of Directors of Toastmasters International.

Mr. Kinsey, who is from South Florida, came to visit the leadership of the Rock Hill Toastmasters Club as a part of his swing through South Carolina to participate in the Toastmasters District 58 convention in Columbia. We took the opportunity to introduce him to the community through the Palmetto Mornings Show and he will also appear on CN2 television later today.

From R to L: Freddi Hammer and Chuck Boozer of WRHI, Matt Kinsey and myself

From R to L: Freddi Hammer and Chuck Boozer of WRHI, Matt Kinsey and myself



An audio clip is available above or listen on line at: http://www.wrhi.com/2016/10/102716-matt-kinsey-and-dr-myron-brown-toastmasters-129090

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Happy Birthday Chiropractic

September is an important birthday month, not just for people like my sister Roberta, who have September birthdays, but also for the chiropractic profession.

birthday-cakeChiropractic was born on September 18, 1895 when a Davenport, Iowa doctor discovered that a deaf man had a neck bone out of position. It all came about when the doctor asked the man how long he had been deaf. “Over 17 years, Dr. D.D.” the man answered.

Harvey Lillard, received first adjustment

Harvey Lillard, received first adjustment

It was a very loud conversation. Loud because Harvey could only make out what was being said when Palmer shouted at the top of his lungs.

Then the doctor asked a question that changed everything. He asked him why he was deaf. Harvey responded “It’s funny you should ask because I’ve been to all the doctors in Davenport and more of them over in Illinois, too. All of them tried to do different things in and around my ears to treat them. They all failed to help me, but none of them ever asked why I was deaf.”

A great clue was found in the answer to a question that no one had ever asked before.

The man’s name was Harvey Lillard and he told Dr. D.D. Palmer the story of how he became deaf. Mr. Lillard said “I don’t really know why I lost my hearing, but I know exactly when it happened.”

What exactly did happen?” Dr. Palmer asked.

Harvey explained “One day I was bent over in a corner scrubbing a floor with my brush and I felt a popping sound in my neck. Immediately it seemed like someone put heavy mufflers over my ears and it kept on getting worse after that.”

Palmer asked “May I look at your neck?” and Harvey agreed. When Palmer examined the neck he noticed an unusual bump at the top of the neck, just below Harvey’s head. He touched the lump and Harvey winced in pain. He then asked, “How long has it been hurting?

Harvey answered, “I never noticed the hurt before you touched it! I don’t think anyone has ever touched me there before.”

Dr. Palmer had been studying about the spinal cord and how it is used to link the brain and body parts. He was very interested in how the nerve system is protected by the bones of the spinal column. In Harvey’s case, he reasoned that if the misaligned bone with the tender lump brought on the deafness, then perhaps reversing the bump could help with the problem.

He asked Harvey “Will you let me try to help you?” Harvey agreed and together they performed the first chiropractic adjustment.

Dr. Palmer had Harvey lie face down on a bench and contacted the twisted vertebra with his hand and introduced a light, very quick movement. The vertebra shifted its position and almost like magic, Harvey noticed an immediate improvement.

According to Mr. Lillard’ s letter documenting what happened, after having 3 adjustments over a couple of week’s period of time from Dr. Palmer he had his hearing completely restored.
With today’s scientific knowledge of anatomy and physiology we can understand how a precise chiropractic adjustment was able to restore normal function to Harvey’s nerve system resulting in such a miraculous outcome. This is why we say, “Chiropractic, it’s not about your back, it’s not about your pain, it’s about your life.”

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Healthy tidbits (update)

TIDBIT #1  Think like a proton – always positive!

Every great idea or protoninvention began as a thought. Thought is immeasurably powerful and it is always shaping our life. It can be subconscious or conscious, but either way it’s always affecting our lives in a big way. The choice of whether or not to have positive, healthy, happy thoughts is ours. Notice that I didn’t say easy, but it is a choice and it’s ours to make.

Here’s a little exercise you can try. Even if it seems strange, you have nothing to lose and much to gain. Begin by visualizing only favorable and beneficial situations. Deliberately use positive words in your inner dialogue and when talking with others. If you have trouble coming up with a positive thought try smiling as a smile helps to generate positivity. Persevere and you will have changed the way you think. Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, be aware of it and try to replace it with a constructive one. The result is changed thinking and the great philosophers have long told us that “Changed thinking changes everything.” Source: http://www.successconsciousness.com/index_000009.htm

TIDBIT # 2  Curry up

Studies have shown that eating curry at least once a week may help you to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Australian scientists found that a weekly hit of spicy food keeps the mind sharper for longer. Turmeric has been identified as the most important and beneficial component, an ingredient used in almost every curry. The main component in the spice (curcumin) is thought to fight liver damage, cirrhosis, Parkinson’s, various types of cancer and dementia. Oh, while we’re on the subject of food, here’s some to avoid since they have been linked to dementia and Alzheimer’s: foods containing aluminum (including cake mixes and milk formulas); the artificial sweetener aspartame; those high in mercury including farmed salmon, Asian rice and high-fructose corn syrup (some organic, non-GMO rice is safe – click this link for more information on safe rice); foods high in the artificial flavoring diacetyl (snack foods such as buttered popcorn and beer); and foods that contain a lot of preservatives. Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/054807_curry_turmeric_dementia_remedies.html

 TIDBIT # 3  Fruit is better than juice  

For the same calories you would get in one kid-size box of apple  juice, you can enjoy an apple, an orange, and a slice of watermelon (all three!). These whole foods provide much more nutrition than just juice alone and will keep appleyou satisfied much longer than that box of apple juice, so it’s smarter and healthier.  Source: http://www.rd.com/health/diet-weight-loss/how-to-lose-weight/  grapefruit watermelon



TIDBIT #4  Why families receiving chiropractic care are healthier

Antioxidants help boost the immune system and give it the strength it needs to fight off a variety of illnesses, ranging from a simple cold to life-threatening conditions. A new study indicates that chiropractic may play a key role in the process, potentially boosting the activity of the antioxidants designed to protect  you.

Researchers looked at 23 subjects ranging in age from 26 to 50. Each individual participant received chiropractic evaluations twice a week for five weeks. Before and after the chiropractic visits blood samples were taken to monitor the participants’ levels of three specific antioxidants. The researchers discovered that after a month of chiropractic care there was a boost in the activity levels of two of the three specific antioxidants (SOD and GPx). These findings suggest that undergoing regular chiropractic care can boost the function of antioxidants in your body, thus providing you greater protection from major medical conditions and issues. Ed. Note: improved nerve supply through chiropractic care is about much more than a backache, stiff neck or headaches!

By the way, another way to increase your antioxidant “punch” is to eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, and whole grains.      Source: http://www.chironexus.net/2014/12/chiropractic-boosts-antioxidants/

TIDBIT #5  Butter is betterbutter

Good news! The myth about saturated fat causing heart disease (fed to us by margarine manufacturers and misguided “experts”) has been thoroughly debunked. Research shows that there is no association between the two. As a matter of fact, eating butter is actually good for the heart.  Here’s why: vitamin K2, a nutrient that most people don’t know about, is one of the most important nutrients in the diet for heart and bone health. Butter from grass-fed cows is loaded with Vitamin-K2, the missing nutrient that helps to de-calcify arteries. Butter is also a great source of a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate, which helps fight inflammation. Source:  http://authoritynutrition.com/grass-fed-butter-superfood-for-the-heart/

Interesting Quotes:

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.” ~Dorothy Bernard

HUMOR:  If two vegetarians are arguing ….. is it still considered a beef?

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Scientists find medical error to be the third leading cause of death in the US

A study published last month in the prestigious British Medical Journal revealed alarming new data about the dangers of medical practice. The study analyzed scientific literature and concluded that the frequency of fatal medical errors is much worse than previous estimates, totaling at least 251,000 deaths annually.  (Source: BMJ 2016;353:i2139      May 2016)

hypodermic.jpgThis finding ranks mistakes by doctors and allied personnel as the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. The scientists who did the study emphasize that these numbers are very conservative due to under-reporting.

Right behind heart disease and cancer, deaths caused by medical error ranks ahead of: accidents, stroke, flu, respiratory illness, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and kidney disease.

To provide perspective, one of the authors of the study, Martin Makary, a professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, compared the problem with what happens when an airplane crashes. After a disaster the airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration launch an investigation to find out why and take steps to prevent future catastrophes. Physicians on the other hand are far less transparent when harm is done to patients, making it much more difficult for steps to be taken to make medical practice safer.

The airline industry often compares their safety record with the rate of fatalities on our nation’s highways demonstrating that it’s safer to fly than drive. One colleague noted this comparison and in view of the U.S. cause of death rankings made the bleak observation that, “You’re more likely to be killed by your doctor than a drunk driver!” As cynical as that sounds, the facts are in and they should serve as a wake-up call to all of us.

None of this means that doctors aren’t caring, well-trained professionals.  But the days of blindly following doctor’s orders are over. Profitability has become the elephant in the treatment room and patients now need to be their own advocates, ask more questions and accept nothing less than straight forward answers.


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Telling kids why it’s important to get their spines checked

Some of life’s simplest ideas get muddled, mixed up and mistaken. A healthy lifestyle is too often one of those. As a chiropractor I see this happen all the time.

It’s not unusual for someone to seek care because they have headaches, neck pains or backaches; receive a couple of adjustments and then quickly discontinue thinking that if they feel good, then all is well. Unfortunately they pass on that same pattern to their children and then to make matters worse say things to them like, “I’m going to get my back cracked.” What could be more frightening to a child then the idea of intentionally breaking their bones? Such misunderstandings unnecessarily become dreadful roadblocks that get in the way of the child’s well-being.

The solution is really simple. First be a good example by taking care of your own body with regular chiropractic checkups – not just when you hurt. Second, give reliable information to your kids. Instead of saying things like, “get cracked” tell them, “it’s time to get my spine checked.”Adjust Baby

Also, it might be better to go easy on the word, “doctor” and instead speak of seeing your chiropractor like you might a trusted friend. Here’s why: children have learned by experience that seeing a doctor may be unpleasant. They go there sick or hurting; get painful shots, drugs or even worse. Instead of, “You’re going to Dr. Brown today” a child’s ears might rather hear something like, “Today Janie gets to see her chiropractor.” When the child asks why, she deserves a truthful answer and it’s not difficult. Here’s a simple example:
“We get our spines checked to be healthy. The bumps we see on our back are bony rings of protection around the spinal cord. That’s the main cable our body uses to send messages from the brain to control all of its parts. In the body the main cable and its branches are called the nerve system.
If a protective bone gets misaligned it might fail to protect the nerve system. We call that a subluxation. Instead of protecting, a subluxation insults the nerve system and distorts the messages coming from the brain and makes it impossible for the body to function right.
When a chiropractor adjusts a subluxation the interference is gone and the body’s own intelligence is back in control of its function.”
Children deserve to grow up subluxation-free and we as parents have the privilege of teaching them about it.  For lots more information about chiropractic for children click: http://icpa4kids.org/

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Project Connect

This Saturday marked the 7th year since the Catawba Area Coalition for the Homeless first teamed up with Leadership York County to create “Project Connect.” We’ve participated in this annual event every time it’s been held, bringing our portable adjusting tables and providing chiropractic care to those attending. We believe that these are the kind of events that really make a difference for people.

Dr. Brown performing a spinal analysis

Dr. Brown performing a spinal analysis

Held at the “Emmett Scott Center,” the event is now hosted along with partner organizations including the City of Rock Hill’s Weed & Seed program and various other civic and volunteer organizations. The event has now grown to include Celebration Jam, a Weed and Seed activity featuring a Health Fair and Education Expo to empower area residents with free clothing items, haircuts, education information, entertainment and food.
Weed & Seed is a part of the U.S. Department of Justice’s efforts to prevent, control, and reduce violent crime, drug abuse, and gang activity in targeted high-crime neighborhoods across the country.

Joining me in providing free chiropractic care this year were my colleagues, Dr. Rhonda Werner and Dr. Garrett Roy.

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More Healthy Tidbits

What follows are some more of those helpful “bits” to support health and positivity. These have been adapted from Joy Brown’s, “Your Healthy Tidbits” newsletter.

Ms. Joy Brown

Ms. Joy Brown

Each week Joy continues to bring forth more light items of heavy importance to share with readers of her newsletter. It has been a great source of ideas for me.

TIDBIT #1 Be unrealistic!
“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.…I see the world in terms of what I would like to see happen, not what actually does…Some of the greatest inventions would not have happened if people chose to accept the world as it is. Great achievements and innovations begin with a mindset that ignores the impossible.” Source: http://paulocoelhoblog.com/2015/12/15/10-powerful-life-lessons-from-the-alchemist/

TIDBIT # 2 Can dirt make you happy?
An article by Bonnie L. Grant in “Gardening Know How” suggests that it can.gardening The reason is that certain soil microbes have been found to have antidepressant value without the usual side effects and chemical dependency of drugs.

The article explains that the bacterium, mycobacterium vaccae, found in soil may stimulate serotonin production. It goes on to explain that, “Lack of serotonin has been linked to depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and bipolar problems. The bacterium appears to be a natural antidepressant in soil and has no adverse health effects. These antidepressant microbes in soil may be as easy to use as just playing in the dirt…Most avid gardeners will tell you that their landscape is their “happy place” and the actual physical act of gardening is a stress reducer and mood lifter.”
Mycobacterium antidepressant microbes in soil are also being investigated for improving cognitive function and improving other conditions. She concludes with, “So get out and play in the dirt and improve your mood and your life.”
Source: http://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/antidepressant-microbes-soil.htm

TIDBIT # 3 Get moving!
Inactivity is the enemy, moving is our healthy solution. This major bit of wisdom isn’t new yet in our culture it’s one of the most overlooked of the essential ingredients to a staying in fine fettle.
An article on Health.com entitled, “Pick your favorite tunes” offers some helpful advice, “Walking/Running with music is a great way to get in a groove (just make sure it’s not blasting too loudly, or you won’t hear those cars!). To pick the ultimate iPod playlist, think about what gets you going.” The article also points out that it’s not unusual for ‘elite’ athletes to listen to what we’d consider ‘relaxing’ music, such as symphony music, while they do a hard workout, “…so don’t feel like you have to download Lady Gaga because her tunes are supposed to pump you up. Go with any music that you find uplifting.” Source: http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20513624_6,00.html

TIDBIT #4 Stay well adjusted
In terms of function, we are aware of very little of what’s going on in our bodies. What we can feel through touch, hot/cold, numbness, tingling, pain, etc. is less than 3% of everything that is happening in our body’s nerve system. Unfortunately, most people rely on that 3% (symptoms) to tell them if they are healthy or not.
Relying on pain to tell you when there is a problem is not a healthy way to live. Can you feel your liver processing fat molecules? When was the last time you thought about converting and exchanging a couple of oxygen molecules for carbon dioxide molecules? The list goes on! There are millions of processes constantly occurring in the body and if they’re not working correctly, over time malfunction accumulates. Health is all about proper function; 100% communication between the brain and the rest of the body; 100% physical, mental and emotional well-being. Health is much more than merely feeling good!
Remember to keep your body’s nerve system healthy with regular chiropractic adjustments!
Source: http://www.chiropracticfortheworld.org/learn-about-chiropractic/myths-vs-facts/

TIDBIT #5 Asparagus is loaded with nutrients and is a very good source of fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, E and K, as well as chromium (a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells).
asparagusAsparagus has glutathione, which is a detoxifying compound that helps break down carcinogens and other harmful compounds like free radicals. Eating asparagus may help protect against and fight certain forms of cancer, such as bone, breast, colon, larynx and lung cancers.

Source: http://www.eatingwell.com/blogs/health_blog/5_powerful_health_benefits_of_asparagus_you_probably_didn_t_know

Useful Quotes:
Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm – Winston Churchill

Our best defense against sickness is to keep a healthy body – anonymous

HUMOR: Even duct tape can’t fix stupid… but it can muffle the sound!

Thanks for reading. If you like these “HEALTHY TIDBITS” …then please let Joy know that you found them helpful. Her website address is: http://yourhealthytidbits.com

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Delightful New Café

After a busy morning in the office Charlene and I just returned from our lunch break. It was a pleasant surprise to enjoy a delicious lunch followed by Venezuelan latte in a relaxed, clean comfortable environment at Rock Hill’s newest café. Not far from our office, Ava’s Café Bistro is located at 2210 India Hook Road https://www.facebook.com/AvasCafeBistro/?fref=tsAva's cafe2
Charlene said, “I really enjoyed having lunch in such a friendly, family atmosphere and you can see that they put a lot of love and attention to the updates they have done. The newly painted interior, new counter, chairs and decorations were all tastefully done. I thoroughly enjoyed the Venezuelan black beans, rice, shredded beef and plantains.” I’m a vegetarian and I was pleased that there wasn’t any trouble finding something good on the menu for me. I had an Arepa Domino.

Myron enjoying the java at Ava's Café Bistro

Myron enjoying the java at Ava’s Café Bistro

An arepa is a traditional Venezuelan rounded split sandwich made with corn dough. The Arepa Domino they served to me came with nicely seasoned black beans and cheese.
I asked our server, Arturo who “Ava” was and he explained to me that the name was a combination of family member’s first names. We met his father whose name is Angel and his mother is Veronica. We did not meet his sister and brother since neither was present today. We also learned that they serve breakfast and lunch and there is a broad selection of deserts, too. The coffee was great!

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More Healthy Tidbits

What follows are some helpful “bits” to support health and positivity adapted from Joy Brown’s, “Your Healthy Tidbits” newsletter.
Each week Joy continues to find positive light items of heavy importance to share with readers of her newsletter, which continues to be a great source of ideas for me.

TIDBIT #1 “Unlock your potential” Here’s how to start:
1. Be Thankful
“When each day is the same as the next, it’s because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises. Gratitude is the practice of finding the good in each day. Life can easily become stagnant, mundane, and monotonous, but that changes depending on what we choose to see. There’s always a silver lining, if you look for it.” Source: http://paulocoelhoblog.com/2015/12/15/10-powerful-life-lessons-from-the-alchemist/
2. See further
Try to look at the world in terms of what you would like to see happen, not what already is. Remember, some of the greatest inventions would not have happened if people chose to accept the world as it is. Great achievements and innovations begin with a mindset that ignores “the impossible.” Source: Ibid (paraphrased)

TIDBIT # 2 What we eat really does matter

A healthier way to lower cholesterol: French researchers found that a flavonoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones. apple Additionally, the pectin in apples lowers LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. People who eat 2 apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16% ! Source: www.healthdiaries.com/eatthis/10-health-benefits-of-apples.html
Note: if you want to be amazed at some of the other amazing known benefits of this humble fruit then just click on the above link – it’s fascinating!

Honey for health & healing
While honey does boast higher fructose levels, it also contains a bounty of cancer-defending antioxidants, and local honey has been said to help alleviate allergy symptoms. honey Don’t limit raw honey’s use to your tea, either. Use it to speed healing on burns, and as a natural antiseptic on cuts and scrapes. Honey also has a low glycemic index, so adding it to your tea or yogurt won’t lead to energy-busting blood sugar drops later in the day. Source: http://www.rodalewellness.com/food/sweeteners

TIDBIT # 3 Staying healthier makes more sense
Between now and 2030, the combined global cost of treating the five most common diseases – cancer, diabetes, heart & lung disease, and mental health disorders – will top $47 trillion, according to a new report by the World Economic Forum (WEF). They warn that if nothing is done to curb this rising healthcare crisis, the global economy will most certainly collapse due to financial insolvency. Now, more than ever, it’s important to maintain a healthy & active lifestyle, which includes eating whole foods-based in rich disease-preventing nutrients. Integrating organic produce, pasture-based meats, healthy oils, medicinal herbs and many other health-promoting foods into the mainstream, are a surefire way to reduce disease and the global healthcare bill in the process. And remember to keep your body’s nerve system healthy with regular chiropractic adjustments! Source: www.naturalnews.com/033651_chronic_disease_expenditures.html#ixzz1YnJwG92b

TIDBIT #4 Competitive performance improved by adjustments
Participants at the US Masters Swimming Summer Nationals (USMS) received chiropractic care from senior student interns supervised by faculty and alumni of an Atlanta, Georgia chiropractic college. The positive feedback from the swimmers was tremendous. Comments included “I haven’t swam this well in decades!” Swimmersand “This was my best time in 12 years!” The swimmers credited their improvement to their chiropractic care. Two of the swimmers who received chiropractic care set world age group records.
Note: Who do you know who could perform better by receiving chiropractic care? Source: www.planetc1.com/cgi-bin/n/v.cgi?c=1&id=1314249281

Useful Quotes:
“We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them.” – William Arthur Ward
“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.” – William James

HUMOR: Famous last words: “My brakes are fine.” – “Are you sure the power is off?” – “What does this button do?” – “I wonder where that bear’s mother is?” – “Pull the pin and count to what?”

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A Special Graduation

On the 30th of this month we will be attending a special graduation. Our daughter, Arianna Coe has completed a comprehensive course of study in a Doctor of Natural Medicine/ Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) Diploma Program. Thai Yoga Therapy training
The four year Doctoral program is co-facilitated by the Pan American College of Natural Medicine and the SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine (SCNM) in Brooksville, Florida.

Arianna provides professional training

Arianna provides professional training

Arianna leading a class

Arianna leading a class

Arianna is the Director of the Humiovi Thai Yoga Institute in Knoxville, Tennessee where she provides Thai Yoga Training for professionals, as well as therapeutic healing programs for her own clients.

She will receive her ND at the SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine in Brooksville, Florida. She has also served as an adjunct faculty member (http://www.somaveda.org/arianna-coe/) with SCNM for several years now.

Arianna performing Thai Yoga Therapy

Arianna performing Thai Yoga Therapy

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