An essential

A common misunderstanding is that chiropractic care is an alternative form of medicine. Nothing could be further from the truth. Chiropractic is not an alternative form of health care. In fact it’s an essential life enhancing service that compliments anything else that an individual is doing to enrich their health and well-being. Think of chiropractic as an essential service that improves a person’s function and performance. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to have received it can’t imagine going through life without it.

Chiropractic care can be a life changing experience because people of all ages function better with a good nerve supply. It only makes sense that proper nerve supply plays such an important role in a person’s ability to function. That’s because the brain is responsible for the coordination and control of all other parts of the body. Everyone is better off with a good nerve supply, and since chiropractic gets rid of nerve interference, it brings out the best in you and your family.

The brain uses a vast network of nerves to communicate with, and direct the function of the rest of the body. That delicate, vital wiring system is protected by the bones of the spinal column (vertebrae). When a vertebra is doing what it is supposed to be doing, it provides a movable protective device for the spinal cord. However, if a vertebra gets misaligned it can fail to protect, and actually become an insult to the central nerve system. The scientific term for that is vertebral subluxation.

A vertebral subluxation is a small thing that can make a huge difference. Distorted nerve supply may not produce immediate symptoms, but it always interferes with normal function. Unfortunately, we may not even feel anything wrong for prolonged periods of time.

Previously we stated that chiropractic is an essential service that improves a person’s function and performance. Let’s consider what that means. We all learned in elementary school that there are certain essentials necessary for health and function. We learned that good nutrition, adequate exercise, sufficient rest, pure water, clean air, and good hygiene were so vital that if we failed to provide our body with any of these there would be predictable, measurable functional problems leading to ill health and poor performance. A good nerve supply is also a basic essential, and arguably the most important and crucial of them all. That’s why we consider chiropractic to be an essential rather than an alternative. It doesn’t replace any of the other essentials, but it remains a key fundamental way of reducing nerve interference.

Many people don’t seek chiropractic care until something doesn’t feel right. The good news is that a precise chiropractic adjustment does much more than just pain relief, it actually improves life in many ways as the body begins to function more normally. That brings us to an important thought. Getting one’s spine checked for subluxation and receiving a precise, gentle adjustment long before anything hurts can go a long way toward improving a person’s life.

Chiropractic exists to identify and make safe and effective correction of vertebral subluxations. Reducing nerve interference allows babies, children, adults and elderly to perform at their best.



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